Your very own website!

Hi Lilly!

This is your dad speaking. I can see that you are a very strong reader, and think you might also really enjoy writing. I also noticed that you have been spending some time on the computer lately,

You now have your very own website. This is what’s called a “Blog”. You can use a blog to write about anything you want. You can even put pictures in it.

Every website needs to have its own unique domain name, like or Your domain name is I chose this name for you because it is about you, and you like horses… um… Let me change that..

You LOVE horses!

I imagine you will like to write about horses sometimes, but you don’t have to.

You can just write about whatever is on your mind. Whatever you are interested in. You could make poems, talk about music that you like, or even make an online art gallery.

There will be lots to learn, and I’m looking forward to helping you along every step of the way. Love you sweetie!


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