About My Dog

I cant believe I got a puppy she is so cute! Her name is pearl. Pearl is a black lab/ border collie puppy.She is 22 weeks old and she weighs 42 pounds but she is still super active and playful. Our cat hates her so much, but pearl wants to play so I guess that is going to have to wait because sorty (My cat) does not want to play. A week ago she had to go to the vet. She does not mind going so it is not hard to get her into the building. At the vet they gave her rabies shots and checked that she is healthy and well.Yesterday pearl went down to the dog park in our town. She had a great time playing with the other dogs and when she got home she was super tired and worn out. I love her so much and i cant wait to spend more time with her as the months go on.

my dog-puppy Pearl 12 weeks

8 thoughts on “About My Dog”

  1. Great post Lilly, yes Pearl is such a great puppy I think we won the puppy lottery 🙂

    I’m glad she likes going to the vet, not at all scared. She is brave, and I think it’ll be fun when we can go on bike rides with her next summer.

    kys fra mor

  2. Hi Lilly!!!

    Love your Blog <3. I'm sitting here at work reading about the most beautiful horses in the world and sleepovers! i love it. Just what i need to get my mind relaxed early in the morning 🙂
    Hope you are having lots of fun in Fernie.
    I miss you all, back here in Denmark and i miss Fernie 🙂
    Hugs and kisses from Denmark 🙂


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